Technical translations

Technical translations are the ideal choice for any company documents of a technical nature, such as user guides, instruction booklets, CAD drawings, as well as loan or funding applications, patent applications, and publications.

The translation process uses files in their original format and also involves handling the graphic design, page layout and digitization of the translated content in any language.

Some of the formats we handle


  • building services
  • shipbuilding
  • aeronautics
  • engineering
  • automotive
  • manufacturing
  • metal industry
  • environment and energy
technical translations

Why you can trust Soget Est with your technical translations

  • We are Quality certified to standards EN ISO 17100 and ISO 18587
  • We boast a well-established network of over 500 expert technical translators who are all native speakers of the target language
  • The use of translation memories for each client and individual language combination is standard operating procedure for us
    (What this means for your next project is that our team analyses the source text to identify any similar or repetitive parts, discounting the cost of translation accordingly.
    In the medium-to-long term, having memories in place translates — pun intended — into significantly reduced translation costs and turnaround times. Memories are a big advantage, for example, in the event you need to update manuals that have already been translated)
  • We create and use customized glossaries and standardized terminology for each client, ensuring the use of consistent vocabulary
  • Technical documents are ideal candidates for the use of Machine Translation + Post-Editing, which result in significant reductions in turnaround and costs
technical translations

Do not hesitate to contact us for a customized quote.

Each quote is tailored to your specific requirements in terms of timeframes, costs and intended purpose of the materia