As huge advocates of any event or activity intended to support the cultural and creative sector, we could hardly pass up the chance to attend the first edition of EUREKA 2022, the Culture and Creativity Show held in Pordenone on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 January.
The aim of the show was to look into the relationship between culture and business as a key to development, and was attended by representatives from leading companies, as well as from cultural and creative enterprises. Numerous issues were covered, ranging from inclusivity to the renewed appreciation and promotion of artisan crafts, not to mention tales of Italian excellence in the fashion and design industry.
Gli interventi dei moderatori ci hanno offerto uno spunto di riflessione su quale può essere il ruolo dei servizi linguistici nella creazione di sinergie tra imprese cosiddette “tradizionali” e quelle creative. Nel caso di progetti dal respiro internazionale in modo particolare, abbiamo avuto la conferma della necessità di mantenere vivo, attraverso la traduzione, il racconto dei valori che sono alla base di qualsiasi attività imprenditoriale, grande o piccola che sia. La traduzione creativa, o Transcreation, è lo strumento che meglio si addice a tale attività, capace di combinare lingua e linguaggio per salvaguardare e rafforzare l’unicità di ogni marchio.
We were once again amazed by the ability of companies, foundations, museums and associations to innovate and reinvent themselves, mobilizing energy to create opportunities where complexity is seen as a valuable training ground rather than an obstacle. We eagerly await the next edition and are pleased to be witnessing a change that sees art and culture, in all its various forms, claim its rightful place as the heartbeat of innovation and of the future.